Friday, July 7, 2023

Simple Explanation of Relativity

I got this from ChatGPT:
Sure! I'd be happy to explain relativity to a 10-year-old. Here we go:

Have you ever seen a fast-moving train pass by? When you're standing still on the platform, the train looks different to you than it does to someone sitting inside the train. That's because of something called relativity.

Relativity is a fancy word that means things can look different depending on how fast you're moving. One important person who studied this was a scientist named Albert Einstein. He came up with two types of relativity: special relativity and general relativity.

Special relativity talks about how things look when they move very, very fast, almost as fast as light. You see, nothing can move faster than light! Imagine you have a friend who's sitting in a spaceship and zooming past you at an incredible speed. If you could see inside the spaceship, you might notice something strange. Your friend's clock would be moving slower than yours, and even the shape of their spaceship might look different!

General relativity, on the other hand, talks about how gravity affects things. Gravity is what keeps us on the ground and makes things fall down. According to Einstein's ideas, gravity is not just a force that pulls things, but it's also the way objects change the shape of space and time around them. So, if you had a really massive object like a planet or a star, it would make a dent in the space around it, kind of like a heavy ball sinking into a soft mattress.

This bending of space and time is why objects move differently near really massive things. It's like when you roll a marble on a curved surface—it follows a different path than if it were on a flat surface. Planets move around the sun in curved paths because of this bending of space and time caused by the sun's gravity.

So, in a nutshell, relativity is all about how things look and move depending on how fast they're going or how strong gravity is. It's a pretty cool idea, and it helps scientists understand how the universe works!

I hope that helps you understand relativity a little better! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

I intend to post my own attempt. This is about what I expected, but I don't think it really explains relativity.

1 comment:

  1. Gravity is NOT curved space. Gravity is only modeled as curved space time, which is just mathematical rubbish since nothing moves in space time, time becomes part of the static metric. There is no possible impulse to motion. Ever gotten in a car, started the engine, then accelerated? Well, you can't do that in any given Minkowski space or space time...which kind of obviously demonstrates why it isn't reality.

    Ever looked up at the night sky and noticed more than one stellar object? Maybe a few more than two or many many billions? Well, only one source of mass can be in any given space time. The model can contain once mass due to it's highly non-linear math equations, so you can't pile up masses the way you can in linear Newtonian mechanics...which can actually only handle two masses before the math becomes impossible. By impossible I mean that no one has ever calculated a three body Newtonian equation, which considering how much computing power is floating around pretty much indicates the math isn't remotely functioning like the reality.

    The doppler effects of relativity are just optical perceptual effects, not reality. Time isn't speeding up or slowing down, your reception rate of data is speeding up and slowing down. Think of it this way, you are walking down a straight road along a fence with posts at every ten feet. You count how many seconds pass between each post and the next as you walk by. Now start running, while keeping count between posts. Hmmm...are the posts time traveling? No. Now get on motorcycle and do the same thing from a slow speed to a much faster speed. The time between posts seems to shrink as they whizz by until they blur, but this is merely visual perspective, just as things don't actually shrink as they recede away from you (even if they appear to do so) time doesn't shrink, expand, contract, or do the tango either.

    Here is the kicker as well, even Einstein admitted that if you have two objects, and one of them accelerates (an impulse to motion which time space can NOT accommodate) away from the other, without a reference frame, there is no way to know which object is moving. The visual distortions will be equally evident to both parties , including the illusion of time dilation, in the same way, as from their relative positions light will seem to stretch or compress depending on if the are getting closer or further away from one another.
