- Matter is mostly empty space. This is based on the idea that matter is made of quarks and electrons, and those are point particles, leaving a lot of space in between. But matter is made of fields, and fields take up space. Especially fermionic fields.
- Bell proved that Quantum Mechanics is nonlocal. He only proved that QM could not be replaced by a theory of local hidden variables. The key point is that hidden variable theories do not work.
- The universe is deterministic. Some say that a scientific outlook requires that the past determines the future. On the contrary, many things appear fundamentally unpredictable.
- Einstein invented relativity. The theory, as we know it, was developed by Lorentz, Poincare, and Minkowski. They were years ahead of Einstein in every detail.
- Information is conserved. No, information is nothing like conserved quantities like energy and momentum. Conservation laws come from symmetry princples, and there isn't one for information. If you burn a book, the information is gone.
- Quantum entanglement is a resource. Entanglement can be puzzling, but the idea that it is a resource that can be brought to do useful things, like cryptography, teleportation, and computation is yet to be proved.
- String theory generalizes the standard model and gravity. This is just wishful thinking. It has not found any relation to the real world.
- Many-worlds is the minimalist QM interpretation. It is not even an interpretation. It takes QM, with its useful predictions, and replaces it with a theory that eliminates the predictions and says that anything is possible.
- The universe has infinities and singularities. Mathematical models often have singularities at the center of black holes, and at the beginning of the Big Bang. Also, quantum fields have infinities before they have been renormalized. None of these are observed. And the idea that there are infinitely many copies of yourself floating around the universe is just fanciful nonsense.
- The quantum world is discrete. Bohr said there is no quantum world. QM uses continous variables. It only appears discrete when you take measurements, as we observe eigenvalues and they are sometimes discrete.
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