Monday, February 3, 2025

Professor has Trump Derangement Syndrome

Scott Aaronson is going nuts again, and posting crazy anti-Trump rants.

I cannot even figure out what he is complaining about. I expect him to complain for four years, no matter what.

He is entitled to his political views, but he cannot explain how Kamala Harris would have been better than Donald Trump on anything.

He believes in many-worlds theory, so I should not expect him to be rational about anything.

Update: Here is a physicist trying to reason with his fellow academic leftists:

The thoughtlessness of guilt by association

We cannot judge ideas on the basis of the people who happen to hold them

I am surprised that this needs to be said. You would think that professors would be trained to judge ideas on their merit. No, he says the leftists are engaged in an ideological war, where leftists favor transgendering children in order to maintain an opposition to right-wingers like Trump.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Aaronson can take solace in his beliefs, as in an infinite number of purely imaginary other universes, he got his way and Kamala became President and is happily drinking her way through her first administration.

    Wow, I love this many worlds garbage, I can do literally anything with it.
    Who needs causality?
