Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sixth Reason for Quantum Computing Skepticism

Dr. Quantum Supremacy, Scott Aaronson, posted 5 reasons for quantum computing skepticism, and why he thinks they are reduced by recent research. I tried to post another reason, but it did not go through, so I post it here.

That is a good list of reasons, but does not include the main reason for my QC skepticism.

It is plausible that QC should be able to simulate QM reactions. But what is the intuitive argument for the super-Turing computations?

You say that QM uses amplitudes instead of probabilities, and they can be negative and interfere. Fine, but all waves show interference, and you cannot build a QC out of classical waves. There must be some special QM property that makes the magic possible. Possible candidates are: (1) an electron can be in two places at once; (2) two objects can be entangled, and influence each other instantaneously; and (3) a computer can make use of a calculation in a parallel universe.

Yes, these ideas are all magical, and make QC supremacy plausible. The trouble is that they are all dependent on QM interpretations that are not generally accepted. If one of those ideas is really the key to QC, then someone should have already demonstrated it with a Nobel prize-winning experiment. There was a 2022 prize for experiments ruling out local hidden variables, but those experiments just confirmed QM and did not show anything to make QC plausible.

Now a $100 million or more has been pumped into QC research, and yet there is still no convincing proof that QC is real. Fusion power has been a similar disappointment, but at least we have proof that fusing hydrogen into helium releases energy.

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