
Thursday, May 30, 2024

History on Many Worlds Theory

This new paper gives some history and arguments in favor of many-worlds:
Revolutionizing Quantum Mechanics: The Birth and Evolution of the Many-Worlds Interpretation

Arnub Ghosh

The Many-worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics has captivated physicists and philosophers alike since its inception in the mid-20th century. This paper explores the historical roots, evolution, and implications of the MWI within the context of quantum theory. ...

In reflecting on the significance of studying the historical development of quantum interpretations, it becomes evident that the MWI represents more than just a theoretical framework—it embodies a paradigm shift in our understanding of the quantum world and its implications for the nature of reality. ... Moving forward, further research and exploration in this area hold immense potential for advancing our knowledge of quantum mechanics and its applications.

Okay, you know it is garbage when it pushes revolutions and paradigm shifts, but cannot find any actual utility to the theory.

A big problem is probability:

Moreover, the MWI has led to new insights into the nature of probability in quantum mechanics. In the MWI, probabilities arise from the relative frequencies of different outcomes across multiple branches of the multiverse, rather than from inherent randomness or observer-dependent collapses of the wavefunction. This perspective offers a coherent and objective interpretation of probability in quantum mechanics, resolving longstanding debates about the nature of quantum uncertainty. ...

Furthermore, the MWI has implications for our understanding of probability and randomness. In the MWI, probabilities arise from the relative frequencies of different outcomes across multiple branches of the multiverse, rather than from inherent randomness or observer-dependent collapses of the wavefunction. This perspective offers a coherent and objective interpretation of probability in quantum mechanics, resolving longstanding debates about the nature of quantum uncertainty. However, it also challenges traditional views of probability as a measure of uncertainty or ignorance, suggesting that probabilities are ontologically real and arise from the fundamental structure of the multiverse.

(This is repetitive.) Yes, you might think that MWI gets probabilities from comparing outcomes across branches, but no one has ever gotten this to work. It is a myth. You cannot count the branches, or calculate probabilities of outcomes, or do anything objectively. It is all a big sham.

The people who pursue many-worlds do not even believe in probabilities. If pressed, they will admit that some things seem more probable than others, but they say it is all an illusion. Some subscribe to crazy arguments that Born's rule seems more natural than other rules, but they have no good explanation for why probability works at all.

If the weather man says there is an 80% chance of rain tomorrow, then he means that his data has resulted in rain 80% of the time in the past. Once it rains, you can discard the possibility of a sunny day.

But the MWI fans reject this. They refuse to say that it will rain in 80% of the branches. And if it does rain, they refuse to reject the sunny day, because they argue that it is sunny in another part of the wave function.

Go ahead and read the article, and tell me if you find one reason to accept that MWI nonsense.


  1. A second hand calculation is not a reality, never has been, never will be. A calculation based on information from an experiment in our universe has no applicable meaning outside of our universe, if that is even possible.

    The MWI delusion indicates the people who are proposing it have given up on science. You can't point fingers at people who believe in miracles if you are going to invoke an infinite number of them to make your math work.

  2. There is no collapse, only nonlinear behavior inherent to interacting fields.
