
Friday, August 19, 2011

Doubt in the reality of quantum computer

A new Russian paper says:
The Shor’s algorithm has provoked numerous publications [6–8] growing rapidly about quantum computing and colossal efforts applied to creation of a real quantum computer. Because of this enthusiasm only few experts venture to doubt in the reality of quantum computer. Nevertheless this doubt is very valid. There is important to note first of all that the substantiation by Deutsch the possibility of a real universal quantum computer must be connected with his belief in the ”Many Universes Theory” of quantum physics [9]. According to this idea when a particle changes, it changes into all possible forms, across multiple universes. Deutsch proving the connection between the reality of the quantum computer and the existence of the parallel universes asks ...
There has been talk of quantum computers for decades. All attempts to make one have failed. At some point, we are going to have to admit that it is impossible, like the perpetual motion machine.


  1. "At some point, we are going to have to admit that it is impossible"

    As a non-physicist I have to ask - why impossible?

  2. The arguments for quantum computers usually invoke alternate universes (many worlds) or some other concept that has not been observed. Quantum computers are contrary to the pre-quantum laws of physics. Much of quantum mechanics has been verified by experiment, but not the part that allows quantum computers. So maybe there is a law of physics that forbids quantum computers.

  3. Most physicists seem to think that quantum computers are possible, and even inevitable. So I could be wrong. Wait for the hard evidence, if you are a skeptic.

  4. From what you say, quantum computers are in effect an experiment that has yet to succeed. I suppose we have to give it time, but at what point should we be looking for new theories rather than plug away at the old ones?

    Reading the Kindle version of your book at the moment. Very interesting.

  5. Glad you like the book. It is more on relativity than quantum mechanics. I am still not sure about the best way to explain quantum mechanics.

    It would be great if the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics allowed us to make super-fast computers. But we just don't have any proof that it is possible.
