
Thursday, December 19, 2024

Space Aliens from Another Dimension

Dr. Bee mocks this Congressional testimony:
[Hossenfelder] He also thinks that the aliens might 2:47 come to us from multidimensional space.

[Q] “You have mentioned that there's interdimensional 2:53 potential. Could you expound on that?

[A] “In terms of uh multi-dimensionality 2:59 that kind of thing, the framework that I'm familiar with for example is something called 3:04 the holographic principle. It derives itself from general relativity and quantum mechanics and that 3:11 is if you want to imagine uh 3D objects such as yourself casting a shadow onto a 2d surface 3:18 that's the holographic principle. So you can be projected, quasi-projected from higher dimensional 3:23 space to lower dimensional. It's a scientific trope that you can actually cross literally 3:28 as far as I understand, but there's probably guys with PhDs that… we can probably argue about that.” 3:32

[Q] “But you have not seen any documentation that that's what's occurring.”

[A] 3:36 “Only a theoretical framework discussion.”

Physicists like to make fun of laymen saying stuff like this, but it really isn't much different from what physicists say. For example, Wikipedia:
The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region – such as a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.
Nowhere does the article say that it is all science fiction or fantasy. The closest it gets to saying that is:
Bekenstein asks "Could we, as William Blake memorably penned, 'see a world in a grain of sand', or is that idea no more than 'poetic license'?",[8] referring to the holographic principle.
Dr. Quantum Supremacy writes:
I listened to Google’s technical talks but didn’t watch their movie. From what you say, it sounds better for my mental health if I continue not watching it.
That is because Google says its quantum computer work by spreading all the possibilities over the multiverse, and then trying them all in parallel. It bugs him when the press describes quantum computers this way, as he says it is a distortion of the theoretical subtleties. Okay, but I cannot blame the popular press, when the leaders of the field use the same distortions.

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