
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Albert Einstein’s Political Journey

New video:
Discover the fascinating political journey of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, as he moves from supporting liberalism and the German Democratic Party to advocating for socialism and a democratic world government. In this documentary, we explore Einstein’s critiques of capitalism, his evolving views on Bolshevism, and his admiration for Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent philosophy. Learn how Einstein's political ideals shaped his legacy beyond physics, making him a global voice for social justice, human rights, and peace.

Albert Einstein's 10:25 political views was as Dynamic and 10:27 impactful as his son scientific 10:30 discoveries from his early support for 10:32 the German Democratic party to his later 10:35 advocacy for socialism and Global 10:38 government Einstein consistently sought 10:40 to align his political beliefs with his 10:42 deep concern for a Humanity's future his 10:45 critiques of capitalism his nuanced 10:48 views on bolshevism his admiration for 10:51 gandi and his call for World governance 10:54 all reflected a mind deeply committed to 10:56 the pursuit of justice and peace

They get a little carried away. Einstein was a pacifist, Communist, Zionist, and determinist.

He continued to belong to Communist front organizations well after the Stalin crimes against humanity were exposed. His political views were horrible.

I do not expect a physicist to have reasonable political views. Most of what he says is too foolish and stupid to be worthy of comment. I just object when people claim he had important opinions, or a deep concern for humanity. No, it is just horrible commie crap.

A lot of physicists today are leftists with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think of physicists as intelligent, but do not expect any political wisdom.

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