
Monday, September 7, 2015

Krauss attacks religion again

Lawrence Krauss has a video on the xenophobia inherent in religion. This is mostly off-topic for this blog, but he is a prominent physicists, and he is reciting nonsense. He says:
It is created by Iron Age peasants who didn't even know the Earth orbited the Sun. ...

The xenophobia ... People who don't conform are to be ostracized or killed. ...

Islam is 500 years younger than say Christianity. And 500 years ago Christianity was producing far more violence than Islam is today, from the Crusades to the Inquisition.
If Christianity were so xenophobic, then the USA and Europe would never admit the millions of Moslem immigrants and refugees. Christians do not kill people for non-conformity.

There is some opposition to the foreigners, but it appears to be mainly based on secular concerns like cost, crime, disruption, non-assimilation, etc, and not based on organized religion.

No, Christianity was never as violent as Islam. Islam spread by conquering foreign lands. The Crusades and Inquisition were defenses against Moslem invaders.

The history of Europe is one of regular warfare for millennia, but that cannot be blamed on Christianity.

The Earth-Sun motion is relative. Most professors today do not seem to understand that. He as might as well say "peasants who didn't even know about dark matter clumping in galaxies." It has little to do with the religious messages.

Krauss wrote a book about how we don't need God because the laws of physics can create a universe out of nothing. There is some logic to the core of his argument. But when he goes on these rambling anti-religion diatribes, he is way out of his expertise. The vast majority of Christians accept nearly all scientific knowledge.

Krauss also has an article in the current SciAm on What Einstein Got Wrong. Black holes, gravity waves, quantum mechanics, big bang, etc.

Update: Krauss just wrote a New Yorker article titled All Scientists Should Be Militant Atheists:
The Kim Davis controversy exists because, as a culture, we have elevated respect for religious sensibilities to an inappropriate level that makes society less free, not more. ...

In science, of course, the very word “sacred” is profane. ...

I see a direct link, in short, between the ethics that guide science and those that guide civic life. Cosmology, my specialty, may appear to be far removed from Kim Davis’s refusal to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, but in fact the same values apply in both realms. ... Five hundred years of science have liberated humanity from the shackles of enforced ignorance.
No, there is no scientific argument for same-sex marriage, and the objections to it are not necessarily religion. Krauss's cosmology does not inform us on the issue.

Even some supporters of same sex marriage say that jailing Davis was illegal and unnecessary.

A lot of people feel strongly about same-sex marriage, and even jailing Davis as a public show of subservience to LGBT ideals. But for Krauss to say that this is the reason for all scientists to become militant atheists, he is am embarrassment to science. Stick to cosmology.

Update: Atheist-nonleftist-physicist Lubos Motl piles on:
Is atheist jerk Krauss worse than religious fanatics? ...

Why is someone like Lawrence Krauss willing to write something so utterly insane, such as the claim that there exists a link between the insights of cosmology and the right attitude to Kim Davis' actions? Is it because he can't see that there exists no scientific derivation of the "right attitude to Kim Davis"? I doubt so. The actual reason is that Lawrence Krauss' attitude to cosmology is based on lots of arbitrary unjustified prejudices, too. He lacks the integrity not only as a human being but as a scientist, too.

In the context of recent controversies, this is most clearly seen on Krauss' support of the concept of the multiverse. We don't know whether this concept is relevant for a proper scientific understanding of anything, and if it is, we don't know in what form it is relevant. But folks like Krauss indeed promote this idea for the same reasons why they are against Kim Davis – because they love to promote left-wing political views. There is no valid evidence behind either of their approaches.
This is something left-wing about the multiverse. Leftists take great pleasure in arguing that humans are not special, that Western culture is not special, that Earth is not special, etc. Now they like to say that even our universe is not special, and that maybe homosexuals do all the breeding in some parallel universe.


  1. "Dr. Krauss was reared in a Jewish household"

    They are really anti-White RACISTS and Professor Kevin McDonald makes it clear that they were pivotal in changing immigration policies in the US:

    They want Whites as minorities in ever country. They have said this openly and you don't have to be a White supremacist to see it. McDonald says Jews "have a historical grudge against Western culture because they see themselves as innocent victims of persecution since the Middle Ages, culminating in the Holocaust. Ultimately, this hostility has led to a great majority of American Jews favoring policies of multiculturalism and large-scale, non-White immigration as ways of diminishing the power of European-Americans."

  2. I had not considered that. He should just say that he seeks to undermine white Christian culture because of his own personal ethnic identification, if that is what he believes. He pretends that he is on the side of science disproving religion, but he is really just promoting his own religious interests.

  3. Telling people how backwards and primitive religion is and then pivoting to a completely non-explanatory pseudo scientific explanation such as the big bang's 'creation ex nihilo' is irony on a cosmic level. No thing can be created from nothing, to say otherwise is quite frankly, ridiculous.

    As to the reasoning and spiritual beliefs of the Jewish population broken down by the numbers in a stark and unflattering light, Ben Shapiro (who is Jewish) explains that most of the people who call themselves Jews actually have little right to do so. It is an interesting watch, though I find it distressing to find how few Jews actually follow their own beliefs.

  4. To some, Judaism is a religion. To others, it is an ethnic identification. The Jews who fill our universities are overwhelmingly secular and leftist.

  5. >> Christianity was never as violent as Islam. Islam spread by conquering foreign lands. The Crusades and Inquisition were defenses against Moslem invaders.hrChristianity was never as violent as Islam. Islam spread by conquering foreign lands. The Crusades and Inquisition were defenses against Moslem invaders.istianity was never as violent as Islam. Islam spread by conquering foreign lands. The Crusades and Inquisition were defenses against Moslem invaders.

    HaHaHaHa. That one's so emblematic of naivete "I'll buy a round."

    1. "Racist theology was now used to provoke (and rationalize) military attacks on the Muslim world. In their bid to direct world affairs as the leaders of christendom, the popes provoked a series of murderous military assaults on Palestine. Religion was merely a pretext for the Crusades. These wars aimed to reestablish European control over key trade routes to Asia and Africa. They aided Italian banking interests closely linked to the papacy. Not only did christian rulers feel threatened by Muslim states in the Mediterranean, but papal hopes for a theocratic empire called for control of Palestine, the birthplace of christianity."

    2. "Racist theology was now used to provoke (and rationalize) military attacks on the Muslim world. In their bid to direct world affairs as the leaders of christendom, the popes provoked a series of murderous military assaults on Palestine. Religion was merely a pretext for the Crusades. These wars aimed to reestablish European control over key trade routes to Asia and Africa. They aided Italian banking interests closely linked to the papacy. Not only did christian rulers feel threatened by Muslim states in the Mediterranean, but papal hopes for a theocratic empire called for control of Palestine, the birthplace of christianity."

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. For any war, you can find people on each side blaming the other side. If the European Christians had not fought the Moslems, then modern civilization would not exist and most people would be slaves in medieval kingdoms.
