
Monday, April 28, 2014

Cosmos promotes environmental alarmism

I am enjoying the new Cosmos TV show, and episode 7 tells the story of how measuring lead byproducts of uranium decay were used to estimate the age of the Earth. It ended with:
Today, medical consensus is unanimous: There is no such thing as a non-toxic level of lead in humans, however small.

Today, scientists sound the alarm on other environmental dangers.
Really? So one atom of lead is poisonous, and all experts agree to that?

I checked the Wikipedia article on Lead poisoning, and it cites authorities who "define lead poisoning as blood lead levels higher than 10 µg/dL. ... and someone with elevated lead levels may have no symptoms."

The lesson of the show is that the alarmists were right about lead, so we should accept what the alarmists say on other topics also. And don't believe those greedy oil companies who censor research and lie to Congrees, or those Bible readers who do not even believe in the Old Earth.

I do not think this is helpful. One atom of lead is not toxic. It is a distortion of science in order to chase impossible goals. It feeds alarmist radicals, instead of objective opinions.

1 comment:

  1. The new Cosmos series hardly knows history (1st episode apparently didn't bother to do any actual historical research on the mystic they decided to use as a straw man). The host of the show gives lip service to the scientific method, then blithely discards any kind of historical integrity or rigor to show a cartoon employing visual characteristics worthy of Nazi agitprop (demonic looking Catholics with beady eyes and dark rat like features?...really? So much for history). I have no interest in confusing leftist propaganda and collectivist political fantasy with science and it's pursuit or understanding. Idiots who don't understand toxicology and dosage or realize that dust contains almost everything the planet is made of to some degree (toxic or not) have no business in the education or science market. They should also study basic chemistry (or at least Google) and find out what common impurities are contained in the cleanest of spring waters.
